Cinematography learner responce

 1)Type up the feedback/comments from Mr Bush:


-Detailed description of the practical

-Wide range of transitions, camera angles and shots

-Good usage of Sound effects

-editing has been effectively carried out

-Contrapuntal sound well used as well as non Diegetic Sound

-Audio matched the scenes


-Highlight key terms

-Use the same camera type (horizontal)(vertical) throughout the whole filming

-use a shot list

 2)Type up peers feedback


-Nice opening title to introduce and give an understanding on the clip

-Lots of different camera shots/angles

-Sound effects matched the clips

-The usage of sounds were sometimes parallel but also contrapuntal


-The audio was unsatisfying to listen to

-Lighting wasn't visible enough

-No shot list

3) Now reflect on your work and write your own summary of the comments and feedback you have received. Write three WWWs and three EBIs.

I have to disagree with my peers when they commented on my lighting not being powerful enough as the setting was originally meant to be set in the dark however if I were to record this in the dark as expected by them the whole scene would be way too obscure so instead I decided to use a dim red lighting as it could correlate with the theme of evil presence. A WWW I agree with especially is where the wide variation ion shots was mentioned as I made it an objective to shoot no longer than 3 seconds per scene so that I could effectively use a lot of different shots and angles which succeeded. If I had to Gove myself 3 EBI's/LR's it would be:


-Highlight key terms in the description no matter how detailed

-Include a shotlist

-Focus on making sure the camera is always either vertical or horizontal


-Wide variety of camera shots/angles

-Lighting effectively used

-nice variations of transitions

4) Learner response: think about what you learned about cinematography making the video and also watching others. What will you do differently when you start the coursework in the summer? What tips or tricks have you learned from others that you can use next time? Are there any specific aspects of camerawork that you need to revise or practice?

I feel as though I have a good understanding of cinematography but if I were to re-record this practical task I could take a completely different approach as this current one wasn't as good as thought out to be so the most important thing of cinematography I have learnt is the fact that despite having a sufficient knowledge on the task and having an idea in mind, it isn't as easy to carry out the practical itself. Next time I would definitely try not to be the one recording as well as the only actor as I want to include a lot more of an audience but not too overwhelming.
