video feedback

 1) Type up your feedback from your teacher in full.

www- use of on screen title, green screen (backdrop layer), captures amateur (cant read word after this), editing,use of jump shots, costume.

ebi-No shot list, highlight key words

2) Use the feedback you've been given to write your own self-assessment of your video using WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If...)

www- i think this production came along well, camera shots were used effectively as well as the transition between cuts. There was also a good use of green-screens to match the setting of the original location. costume was also used effectively as the outfits were pretty much the same.

Ebi- i felt that i could improve with the final editing. i tried to add a youtube styled outro to make sure our group all didn’t do the exact same thing which seemed like a good idea at the time but when published came along as unprofessional.

3) Now reflect on your own work in more detail. How did your planning help clarify and develop your ideas?

planning helped alot with this, we managed to use a great room with soundproof walls in order to block out external sounds as well as a plain background which further allowed us to use it as a greenscreen, without planning we wouldn’t have brought in the correct costume which was a key factor. we also had our actor learn his lines with an accent to replicate the original clip

4) Finally, what have you learned regarding the importance of mise-en-scene in film and television? Write a paragraph to answer this.

I have learnt that although it might not seem as important at the time, small parts of mise en scene help the production look as good as possible, if it wasn’t for observing and repeating factors of mise en scene in our clip, there would have been many things wrong with our clip and it would almost show no resemblance between the two
